Who Is the Demo Intended For?

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Cision Software Screens

What to Expect from Your Demo

  • Examples of Insights That Are Truly Relevant for Your Business

    Get a personalized, 45-minute media analysis on the actual media coverage your brand has generated. Walk through our easy-to-use dashboard yourself, personalized with stats that matter to your business.

  • A Guided Walk-Trough and Conversation

    We take the time to truly understand your business objectives, aims and challenges, and work to identify the best possible solutions for your unique needs.

  • Some “Aha” Moments

    See who is talking about your company or a topic, as well as what they think of it and how your company compares to competitors.

G2 Logo

The Cision Communications Cloud is an essential part of my daily routine as a PR manager.

I really like how the various elements and functions of the Cision Communications Cloud are integrated and all work together. I use the database section to keep track of relevant media outlets and contacts and then use the distribution feature to send news releases to those contacts. It's also super convenient that the system shows if people open the email and click on any of the links I've shared. I can then use the campaign, media monitoring, data and statistics to track coverage and create reports timely.

Cindy A.

G2 reviewer